What style of yoga do you teach?

I primarily teach Hatha Yoga with a mix of Vinyasa flow. On Sunday’s the class is much slower with deeper stretches, a more Yin style of yoga.

How long is each online class?

The classes are generally between 50 mins - 1 hour although when I feel students need a longer meditation or extra movement, the class can slightly extend over.

I am a beginner, can I join the classes?

My style of teaching is generally accessible to all levels. I encourage a more mindful approach and always try to offer easier variations to the more challenging poses. There are times (Saturday classes in particular) that beginners may feel challenged.

I am not flexible at all, will I be able to take part?

Flexibility is not a prerequisite of yoga, but a beautiful by-product. Just as you do not need muscles before attending the gym, equally you don’t need flexibility to do yoga. Yoga will release the tightness in your muscles and joints and with regular practice, increase the flexibility in your body.

I want to lose weight - will these classes help me?

The Monday strengthening class and the Saturday flow classes are more cardio like so therefore can contribute to weight loss. The other classes less so, these are more catered to flexibility, tone and balance. Please note, there are other important factors involved in weight-loss that must be considered such as diet and sleep.

I would like to do the online classes with another member of my household, how does the payment work?

The three pricing plans offered allow for all members of your household to take part in the classes. As long as the person you are joining with lives in the same house as you, they are also included in the price you pay for your subscription.

If anyone who does not live in your home would also like to join, please ask them to sign up separately.

I don’t live in the UK, can I join the classes?

Of course. The best thing about online classes are, no matter where you are in the world, all you need is internet connection and a yoga mat to join! All classes are UK timing (please convert to your local time zone).

What do I need for the online classes?

  • Yoga mat

  • 2 cushions - OPTIONAL

  • 2 blocks (or thick books) - OPTIONAL

  • Strap (or belt or towel) - OPTIONAL

  • Bolster - OPTIONAL

    The props as above are not a requirement but can be useful to create a more comfortable and safe practice as well as help you get deeper into certain postures (I will explain how & when to use them).

Do you teach breathing techniques or meditation?

Yes and yes. Breath focus is the basis of yoga and is practiced at the beginning and end of every class through various techniques and is emphasised throughout the session. I also tend to do guided meditations to help you focus and calm your mind.

If I miss a class, can I get a recording?

Yes, if you are a monthly subscriber I offer the class recordings which will be available to view for 3 days.

Do I need to keep my camera on?

I love to see you practicing along with me, but I completely understand those who prefer to keep their cameras off. The best thing about online classes is being able to practice in the comfort of your own home and being in your flow without anyone watching. It’s your choice.

What are the benefits of attending the live classes as opposed to watching a recording/youtube video?

  1. I aim to make these online yoga classes as close an experience to physical yoga classes as possible. Hence I encourage those students who would like their postures to be adjusted, to keep their camera on on Zoom so I am able to observe their practice and verbally adjust where necessary.

  2. There is always the opportunity to ask questions during class via the chat box or to stay behind after class and discuss.

  3. Live classes encourage you to turn up and be present at a set time and hence builds it into your daily routine, whereas doing a recorded class can build a mentality of “I’ll do it later” and often as we know, “later” never comes.

  4. Seeing others practicing along with you provides a sense of community and the motivation to continue.

What benefit will I gain from these classes?

Through participating in these classes regularly you will see a number of benefits both physically and mentally.

Physically your body will feel lighter, more mobile, supple and you will experience less aches and pains. You will also feel stronger in your muscles and joints.

Mentally, you will feel more relaxed and at ease as well as learn the tools to calm yourself in situations where you feel stressed or anxious or where your mind goes into overdrive.

Is it possible to trial a class before I commit?

Definitely. All new joiners are offered a free trial class. Please refer to the Timetable to see the different class types offered and message me via the contact form which class you would like to trial and I will send you the Zoom link.

How do I join the classes once I’ve paid the subscription?

Those who have subscribed will be added into a Whatsapp broadcasting list where I will send morning class reminders with the Zoom link. All class updates will be sent to you via Whatsapp.

Are the pricing plans refundable?

Yes. My ultimate aim is for every person attending the classes to find them enjoyable and beneficial. Hence, for those who have purchased the monthly plan, if you are unhappy with the quality of classes within the first 7 days, I would be grateful for your feedback to help me improve and would be happy to offer you a refund.

Do you offer private 1-1 sessions?

Yes, I offer both online and in-person 1-1 sessions. The online 1-1 sessions are £45/hour and the in-person sessions are between £60-£70/hour depending on location, number of people etc.

Do you hold live classes or only online?

Yes, I offer both online group and 1-1 sessions and in-person group and 1-1 sessions, however I am not currently holding any public group classes, only at specific member studios.

Do you do classes for corporate companies?

Yes, I do both online and in-person corporate yoga classes. Price is dependent on the group size, frequency, location etc. Please contact me with your requirements.